intuitive tattoo for Self empowerment
What is the intention behind any tattoo?
Is it to mark a moment in time, to embody a memory, to lean into your fullest expression, an appreciation for wearing beautiful art, is it for sharing laughter, expressing pain, or a reminder to embody beliefs that resonate with you, maybe even to lean into loving your body more?
There are so many different intentions, and all have magic woven into them whether we are consciously aware of it or not, and every tattoo experience can be woven into every line as clear in your memory as the tattoo itself.
My intention has always been to create the most aligned atmosphere for the person involved to be able to allow the sacred magic of the process of being tattooed to be expressed fully. The alchemizing of bringing ideas into reality that you get to wear on your body forever and carry the memory of the experience happily in your heart. I am here to witness you and honour YOU for your journey and expression as an unbiased friend with only the intention to help you see and recognize your own power. We are ALL complete and perfect as we are as a result of everything that has happened to us, the paradox being how imperfect we can feel from these exact same things. The pain, the suffering, the non-serving patterns and narratives, the fear of being rejected or unlovable… no matter what happened to you, it’s the same pain that haunts us all expressing itself in different ways. Our systems create barriers and defense mechanisms to protect us from more pain, suffering, and fear, so when we start choosing to reclaim ourselves we begin the everlasting journey of CHOOSING different and CHOOSING to liberate ourselves from our suffering.
This is where the concept of Intuitive Tattooing comes into play; a reconnection to the sacredness and divine expression that has been practiced in cultures for as long as people have been around. An embodiment and expression of your inner strength, power, and drive to rediscover your beautiful, authentic self. A badge of honour as you take your power back and choose yourself. An acknowledgement of how far you've come and for encouraging the strength it’s taken to choose the path of self-rediscovery against all odds. The beauty of choosing yourself over and over again and witnessing the unraveling of self love that has been eager to be seen and felt. Even the choices that may seem small are monumental and immensely healing for every past version of you that sacrificed yourself to survive. A lifetime of versions of you cheering you on as you take radical responsibility for your life and create your own path.
“The comfortable hell vs the uncomfortable heaven.”
Even the seemingly small choices you make (like saying 'NO' to something you would normally say 'YES' to out of obligation) that challenge the ‘comfortable’ but unsatisfying parts of your life bring you closer and closer to your highest potential. It helps develop your intuition and your capacity to trust your inner knowing vs doing what you are ‘supposed’ to do and feeling misaligned. That new person that everyone likes doesn’t FEEL right for no reason? Trust that knowing and protect yourself from that energy… eventually something ALWAYS happens to affirm your inner wisdom. That meat in the grocery store looks fine and says it’ll be good for a couple more days, but you feel resistant to it and get it for dinner anyway… just to get violently ill from it! Your intuition is ALWAYS speaking to you and ALWAYS has your best interest in mind, it’s up to you to learn how to interact with it and to trust it! This is simple, and NOT easy with a lifetime of conditioning and collection of other people's narratives projected onto you from birth; alas you trusted your intuition to break free of your comfortable hell and explore the uncomfortablity that comes with rewriting everything you’ve learned!
And now you are here, if you’ve read all of this and resonate with the power behind your CHOICE to live differently I invite you to explore my version of the sacred power of tattooing! Depending on your intention behind this project I offer a couple different options to make the most of your experience. Some of these tools are very powerful and can bring up ALOT of stuff so really checking in with your inner wisdom on what the intention is and how deep you’re wanting to go. Less is always more!

Ceremonial Cacao: a heart opening beverage ethically imported by Seed of Love Cacao from Guatemala infused with love and healing intention at every level of collection. (non-psychoactive, medicinal superfood)
Somatic Inquiry: a guided process to lean into the wisdom in your body to help define what you are ready to let go of, and how to embody and witness what you’re calling in.
Conscious Sharing: we talk about what this means to you, things that are meaningful, ideas or emotions you wish to be inspiration for the piece, sharing of insights you’ve collected over your journey, going over things you wish to release/are working on releasing, etc. This is NOT a therapy session and we are not going over the experiences you’ve gone through, we are only working with the internal process of insights, pattern recognition, and the willingness to choose differently. Our internal process is the only experience that is in our control to shift and change and the intention is to honour the learning from all experiences by witnessing, feeling them to completion, and then integrating them.
Human Design Reading: my favourite tool to use to help affirm you’re exactly where you need to be doing EXACTLY what you should be doing. It’s like your natal chart on steroids and holds so many tools to help understand your inner process and connect yourself to your intuition, gifts, and to a deeper understanding of your uniqueness- you do need your exact birth time, birthdate, and location of birth for it to be accurate! It is an amazing tool to help others understand how to meet you and support you best, as well as give you the words to help them understand you better. Everyone's life path is so different; any tool to help us understand ourselves and each other is worth celebrating! This has become my hyperfocus and I can help make the information more palatable as there is SO much information it’s super overwhelming. Worth looking into on your own too as anyone can look into it!
Concept sketching: I draw up the concept and we tattoo it that day after we worked with our collaborative magic! Size and location can be predetermined by you, everything else is designed in relation to the process above! If you don’t like the design you are not obligated to get it and you can take the artwork home with you to keep as the imagery will hold a lot of healing energy from the session- but I’m sure we will make it permanent🤍
Chakra Balancing: Pendulum (divination tool used to find identify areas requiring attention in your energetic feild, used in combo with reiki)
Energy clearing: Reiki Level 2 (hands on or off energy cleansing, this is infused in your tattooing as well!)
Sound bath: bathe in the frequency of the 528 Hz practitioner bowl (Known as the “miracle frequency”. The 528hz frequency is the most significant frequency of the legendary Solfeggio frequencies, also known as the Miracle Frequency or Love Frequency for its power to repair DNA, heal, soothe, and relax. It is the frequency of transformation and miracles. )

(TOSA LVL 1, 2, and 3 Training) (multi day experience, 1 on 1 breathwork session(s) for connecting to the wisdom in your body; somatic release of emotions/memories stored in your body; deepen your connection to your body, spirit, and mind; seeking clarity and understanding)
It's a beautiful opportunity to lean into the medicine within all of us by connecting to our breath in a conscious way. This is a way to allow the deep, sacred wisdom that resides in you to come forward and show itself in undeniable ways and guide you home to your most authentic self. It's an opportunity to shine the light of awareness on what needs to be seen, felt, and held in order to move closer to your most aligned and peaceful life. It is a sacred medicine practiced throughout time in numerous different cultures and in endless different capacities, yet all with the same goal; to connect to the power and magic of the breath and the wisdom within.